Reppos Brasil

by Reckitt Benckiser Group plc



Reppos is much more than buying products for your business. Its the help you need to grow financially, have better execution at the point of sale and buy products at the best prices. Reppos is recognition of the strength of the Brazilian retailer, it is also the satisfaction of seeing satisfied consumers shopping in your store. Reppos knows what you want: more time, money and support. Before sales, dreams. Our mission is to make your business grow. Its also the easy way to replenish your stock. Its where you find the best brands and also access easy and secure payment methods. Reppos is an ecosystem that goes beyond replenishment, it is learning and business opportunities for food retail and pharmacies. It gives you peace of mind to take care of your business. Reppos is collaboration and community, it is an ecosystem. Everyone wins and grows together. Reppos is about replenishing, growing and transforming.Here you can access the best offers and promotions? Yes. Access to the assortment designed for the profile of your supermarket or pharmacy? Yes. And on top of that with many benefits for you to have relationships with the biggest consumer goods brands? Yes, now you can do all of this.Reppos is an ecommerce solution for you, whether you are a retailer, small entrepreneur or a sales representative, our goal is to offer the best business opportunities in partnership with the biggest brands.We are an eB2B marketplace, where you can find products from large industries such as Reckitt and Nivea. We have the best selection of brands such as Veja, Vanish, Bom Ar, SBP, Finish, Jontex, Olla, Luftal, Strepsils, Nuromol and many others. And here we connect your store to your preferred distributor, with security, technology and a vision of collaboration for everyone.We want your store, pharmacy or business to grow with the best possible experience at the point of sale. Our goal is to bring competitiveness and an execution that reflects consumer preferences. And at Reppos we will help you achieve all this through our ecommerce solution that goes beyond buying and selling.We use technology and various service channels to facilitate business, but we also put our heart into seeking tools through Reppos to help the expansion of Brazilian retail. Come and replenish your stock through our app.You will find a smart list, combos, promotions, coupons and discounts.And if you are a sales representative, monitor the performance of your portfolio and receive exclusive recommendations for your customers to make your routine easier.Sign up today, buy and be part of this way of relating to brands that will bring excitement to the shelf.Reppos, the easy way to reppos your stock.